Welcome to  Photoscotland.net

Photography by Grant Glendinning
Capturing Scotland’s landscape in stunning detail.

Prints available including framed, canvas, acrylic, and metal prints.



P h o t o s c o t l a n d . n e t

Scottish Landscape Photography
Scottish Landscape Prints
Black and White Photography
Nature Photography

Fine Art Prints available

© www.photoscotland.net 2011.
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Loch Lomond in the mist

Another morning shot to catch the remaining mist which was lingering on the east shore of Loch Lomond.  As you can see in the image below, the little clump of trees were shedding the last of their autumn colours and the mist surrounding them helped the trees really stand out in this minimulistic shot. The 25 second exposure I used also helped to smooth out any ripples and movement in the water, and just in time too, as the mist soon lifted revealing the landscape behind the trees which of course transformed the scene from this lovely, simple and uncluttered view into the complete opposite. Three other shots from the Loch Lomond mist morning shoot are also shown below as thumbnails.  If you would like to purchase any of these images as a high resolution and quality print or canvas, then please click on a image for available print options.

Lone trees shedding the last of their autumn leaves reflecting on the mist covered water of Loch Lomond



Scottish Bird Photography

This gallery features a small selection of my very best bird images taken from various locations around Scotland; including sea birds, garden birds, woodland birds and birds of prey.
