MacroAugust 10, 2013/Posted By : Grant Glendinning/ 0 comments /Under :MACRO PHOTOGRAPHY PRINTSMacro ImagesThis gallery features a small selection of my macro images taken from various locations around Scotland.LadybirdLadybird resting on a yellow flower.DamselflyDamselfly clinging to a blade of grassDamselflyDamselfly clinging to a blade of grassLadybirdLadybird resting on a red flowerDragonflyDragonfly resting on a flowerDragonflyDragonfly clinging to a blade of grassLadybirdLadybird resting on a red flowerDamselflyA colourful Damselfly clinging to a blade of grassDamselflyDamselfly clinging to a blade of grass.DamselflyDamselfly clinging to a blade of grass.DamselflyA colourful Damselfly clinging to a blade of grassHoverflyHoverfly perched on a blade of grassDragonflyA colourful Dragonfly resting on a blade of grassDamselflyDamselfly clinging to a flower.DamselflyA colourful Damselfly clinging to a blade of grassDamselflyDamselfly clinging to a blade of grass.HoverflyHoverfly in flight.DamselflyDamselfly clinging to a blade of grass.DragonflyA colourful Dragonfly resting on a blade of grassSmall WhiteSmall White butterfly resting on a flower.Black Darter DragonflyBlack Darter Dragonfly resting on a blade of grassDamselflyDamselfly clinging to a blade of grass.DamselflyDamselfly clinging to a blade of grass.DamselflyDamselfly clinging to a blade of grass.DamselflyDamselfly clinging to a blade of grass.DamselflyDamselfly clinging to a blade of grass.DamselflyA colourful Damselfly clinging to a blade of grassDragonflyA colourful Dragonfly resting on a blade of grassDamselflyDamselfly clinging to a blade of grass.HoverflyHoverfly in flightMeadow brownMeadow brown butterfly resting on a blade of grass.Small White butterflySmall White butterfly resting on a flower.DragonflyA colourful Dragonfly resting on a blade of grassDamselflyDamselfly clinging to a blade of grass.DamselflyDamselfly clinging to a blade of grass.DamselflyDamselfly clinging to a blade of grass.DamselflyDamselfly clinging to a blade of grass.