AnimalsJanuary 24, 2011/Posted By : Grant Glendinning/ 0 comments /Under :ANIMAL PHOTOGRAPHY PRINTSScottish Animal PhotographyThis gallery features a selection of my animal images taken from various locations around ScotlandRed-Deer-Stag-ArdvreckTwo Red Deer Stags on a snow covered hill in the Highlands, Sutherland, Scotland.Buy Print or CanvasRed Deer StagA majestic Red deer stag in the Scottish highlands.Buy Print or CanvasRed SquirrelA Red Squirrel sitting on a snow covered meadow looking for food.Buy Print or CanvasScottish Red Deer StagRed Deer Stag on a snow covered Rannoch moor with the Black mount mountain range in the distance. Scotland. Buy Print or Canvas Buy License and Download from PicfairRed SquirrelA Red Squirrel eating a nut on top of an icy clump of snow.Buy Print or CanvasArctic FoxPortrait of an Artcic Fox during heavy snow fall. Buy Print or Canvas PoniesTwo Shetland Ponies at play. Buy Print or Canvas Buy License and Download from PicfairRed Deer StagA majestic Red deer stag in the Scottish highlands.Buy Print or CanvasRed SquirrelA Red Squirrel perched on a broken branch of a tree.Buy Print or CanvasHighland CowA Highland Cow on a snow covered Scottish highland landscape.Buy Print or Canvas Red SquirrelRed Squirrel sitting on a moss covered tree stump. Photographed in Dumfrieshire, Scotland.BUY NOWDeer StagRed Deer Stag on a snow covered Rannoch moor with the Black mount mountain range in the distance. Scotland.Scottish Highland CowA Highland Cow on a snow covered Scottish highland landscape.Buy Print or Canvas Red Squirrel perchedA Red Squirrel perched on a tree branch eating a nut.Buy Print or CanvasDeer StagPoniesTwo small brown ponies at play.Red SquirrelA Red Squirrel perched on a snow covered log.Buy Print or CanvasRed SquirrelA Red Squirrel on a snow covered meadow looking for food.Buy Print or CanvasRed SquirrelPortrait of a Red Squirrel perched on a snow covered log eating a nut.Buy Print or CanvasScottish Red Deer Stag in snowRed Deer Stag on a snow covered Rannoch moor with the Black mount mountain range in the distance. Scotland. BUY NOWGrey SquirrelA Grey Squirrel sitting on a tree stump looking for food, as the Sun streaks through the trees and lights him up.BUY NOWRed SquirrelBUY NOWCommon SealA Common Seal basking on a rock off the east coast of Kintyre.Buy Print or CanvasRed Squirrelimg_7766Red SquirrelSquirrelsquirreleRed SquirrelA Red Squirrel climbing on a moss covered log.Buy Print or CanvasDeer stagLoch Tulla Deer stag, GlencoeRed Pandaimg_8317fpDeerDeer on Rannoch moor, Glencoe